Choosing a good photograph for a commission painting
It is important went choosing a photograph for an art commission to choose the best quality photo that you can. Simply put - If we can't see it then we can't paint it!
When choosing or taking a photograph, please consider the following:
Is the photo in focus?Try pick a photograph that is not blurred. Slight blurring makes it difficult for the artist to produce a painting from. This particularly important for the Pop Art, Warhol, and Modern Styles.
Can we see the colour of the eyesEyes are very important in portrait pictures (particularly in classic colour style) so if you want us to paint a photograph that does not illustrate the eyes enough please send another image that shows the eyes in detail for us to work from.
Is there enough detail in the photoIf you are commissioning a portrait make sure that the subject features up close in the photograph and is not just a backdrop. It is not the scene that is important, but the subject.
Unsure about your photo?If you are not sure about your photo just email it to us and we will let you know what we think.