Discovery of American by Christopher Columbus

Discovery of American by Christopher Columbus

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- 100% Handmade and signed by artist *for original painting option
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The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus is a painting by artist Salvador Dalí, begun in 1958 and finished in 1959. It is over 14 feet tall and over 9 feet wide, one in a series of large paintings Dalí did during this era. Period: Surrealism. Date: 1958–1959.
100% Hand painted oil painting on canvas
Reproduction size: Oil Painting on CanvasMedium: Oil Painting on CanvasStyle: ImpressionismType: ReproductionDelivery Time: 7-21 daysItem #: E-SD-031
Discovery of American by Christopher Columbus by Salvador Dalí can be reproduced with the same emotions of the original masterpiece. In our in-house studio artists carefully recreate the painting detail-by-detail, colour-by-colour to near perfection.
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With natural texture, vibrancy, and a sense of luxury a real oil painting makes a great original focal point in any environment. Created with the highest quality materials oil paintings will not only look superior to any print, they will also last longer.