Le Sommeil (Sleep), 1937

Le Sommeil (Sleep), 1937

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- 100% Handmade and signed by artist *for original painting option
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In Le Sommeil (Sleep), Dali recreated the kind of large, soft head and virtually non-existent body that had featured so often in his paintings around 1929. In this case, however, the face is certainly not a self-portrait. Sleep and dreams are par excellence in the realm of the unconscious, and consequently of special interest to psychoanalysts and Surrealists. Crutches had always been a Dali trademark, hinting at the fragility of the supports which maintain 'reality', but here nothing seems inherently stable, and even the dog needs to be propped up! Everything in the picture except the head is bathed in a pale bluish light, completing the sense of alienation from the world of daylight and rationality.
100% Hand painted oil painting on canvas
Reproduction size: Oil Painting on CanvasMedium: Oil Painting on CanvasStyle: ImpressionismType: ReproductionDelivery Time: 7-21 daysItem #: E-SD-011
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans, 1936 by Salvador Dalí can be reproduced with the same emotions of the original masterpiece. In our in-house studio artists carefully recreate the painting detail-by-detail, colour-by-colour to near perfection.
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With natural texture, vibrancy, and a sense of luxury a real oil painting makes a great original focal point in any environment. Created with the highest quality materials oil paintings will not only look superior to any print, they will also last longer.